Friday, August 05, 2005

The Passport

My passport came in today - hence the name of the title. That's all that happened today, really. Well, besides Chinese class at midday and going for a run in the arvo. I'll attempt to provide a bit of a summary via quotes.

"A visa is a permit to travel to another country. It goes in your passport. You may be charged for it". (Visa = jail. Interesting.)

"If you cannot afford travel insurance, you cannot afford to travel". (Sounds logical)

"No matter what country you're visiting, accommodation is an important part of your trip". (You don't say...)

"You can take as much cash as you like out of Australia". (w00t)

"If you receive a Centrelink payment, be sure to contact Centrelink before you leave Australia". (hmm... Centrelink subsidises travel?)

"Touching, pointing, staring, sitting and standing in ways that are regarded as disrespectful or threatening by the local culture can cause offence". (I wonder where in the world touching a random person would not cause offence)

"In some places accepting even a polite invitation to go out can give the wrong signal and lead to sexual asssault." (Damn. Someone asks me out and I get charged for sexual assault - argh!)

Moving onto the passport. Seems standard. 30 odd pages - easy to carry. Flipping through to the details page.... whoa! Trippy. There are holographic lines all over the place - very classy indeed. Can't forge one of these easily.

Anyhoo, I think i've wasted enough of my time and your time - so i'll end it there. Hopefully i'll have something more interesting to report next time.

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