Sunday, August 21, 2005


Well I am finally back. After 2 weeks. Terrible. Terrible indeed. What's worse is that I still don't have broadband - Optus has given me dial-up until DSL can be arranged. Doh!

So what's new? I'm sick, terribly sick - can't stop coughing. Plus due to the fact that I have had no internet access for 2 weeks and have been bedridden for ages.... my thesis is starting to fall behind. All out of my control. Damn it all.

I've been dealt a bad set of cards of late and hopefully things will be on the up. Finally i'll sign off with my (appalling) City to Surf time (sick... remember... sick) and some random quotes over the past couple of weeks.

City to Surf time: 101:37.

Jess: "Harvard is in England, duh, everyone knows that" - yes, Jess, indeed :).

Dad: Maybe we should get the car repaired ourselves
Jess: Why? The other guy hit you, he should pay
Dad: So that we don't get penalised. You know, we will lose our no-claim bonus
Jess: You've got no insurance, so there is no no-claim bonus to lose
Dad: Oh.

X: I don't believe that police should be calling women ma'am or madam
Y: That's ridiculous, what should the police call women?
Z: How about 'bitches'?. You know, walk up to a woman and say 'sup bitch?'

More later... when i'm well - maybe some photos as well!

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