Monday, October 31, 2005

The Presentation to end all Presentations

The countdown continues to my last assessment ever (well, unless of course I decide to pursue a Masters somewhere in the future). Three days left until the presentation of my Thesis to a panel of academics. The panel includes the Head of School and the Thesis Co-ordinator - so I better not eff it up. Without blabbering on incessantly, i'll wrap up the week that has passed.

I've managed to get back into the normal routine of bludging, gaming, and sleeping. Quite a good feeling all round. I've actually put in some work for my presentation, however, and I am thus quite proud. Oh! Almost forgot, happy birthday to Carmen Chen and Dave Tran (gogo, amazing race).

On the gaming scene i've tried my hand at a litlle Lineage 2. Not such a bad game really, but it does feel as though there are grinding aspects to levelling (but an MMORPG wouldn't be much of an MMORPG if it wasn't for the grind... it's a part of the process, I guess). I've heard that the PvP castle sieges are quite interesting and quite intense, so hopefully I won't stay n00b for long. If anyone wants to look me up my char name is Erundil and I play predominantly on the Staris server (at the time of writing 22 Human Cleric).

The old Gunbound has been fired up a couple of times and all I can say is... pwnage. On the weekend I was on this mad winning streak with a bunch of people, i think it was 8 wins. That's not where the pwnage ends, I managed to get 2 double kills in consecutive games. Now if that isn't pwnage.... then I don't know what is (one was almost a triple kill, as the last remaining mobile had approx 50 health). Metal axe here I come!!!

You may have noticed the words "amazing race" up there with the birthday mentions. Yes! That's right. On rainy Sunday, it was the third annual Snippy Amazing Race. Quite fun all round and congratulations must go to Team Black. I, however, was on Team Blue and came third. One particularly interesting scenario to mention is the Milperra leg of the Amazing Race....

Milperra, out in the middle of nowhere... somewhere near Bankstown Airport (apologies to people that live out there, I meant the big forest like park... close to Hungry Jacks). One of the amazing race helpers, Sam (who lives in Hornsby... lol! what a drive), was waiting at some benches with some plastic cups, straws, and a big bucket of water. The task? Each of us had to fill up a cup with water from the big bucket of water using just the straws. Ewww.. gross? You bet. It gets worse. One team member has to drink all of the cups of water. Mmmmm.... tasty.

So without delay, we commenced sucking up the water with the straws and depositing that water into our respective cups. Ryan, a team Blue member, decided to hurry things along. Not only did he fill up the straw with water, he filled up his mouth with water. When he got to his cup, out it came. Saliva and all. I tell you, the rest of us couldn't stop laughing. The gurgling white foam that constituted the contents of his cup hardly looked appetising - LOL. Thankfully Ryan offered to drink all the cups. Luckily for him, the rest of us didn't add saliva to the water in our cups. Funny stuff, and good work Team Blue!

That just about wraps things up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Submitting The Behemoth

Yes! It's all over. The behemoth that is my Thesis has been completed. Is it quality? Who bloody knows - i'm just happy that it is all done. Let me tell you, I haven't slept much over the past few days... so i'm going to get some well earned rest tonight. Hell yea!

So anyway. Since i'm on the topic, i'll elaborate. My thesis is big, contains lots of pictures, and contains lots of tables. It has a monster of an appendix. And is 213 pages long. WTF? 213 pages? Yes. You read that correctly. I don't call something 'the behemoth' for nothing.

Statictics are as follows:
Pages - 213
Words - 34,628
Characters - 269,234

Yea. That's right. Solid stuff. I'm just hoping that my supervisor doesn't read the damn thing. I'm going for the 'wow' effect. I guess time will tell. (For those of you who say i've cheated, then you're probably right - i've included the appendices in the statistics.... and my appendices make up more than 50% of my Thesis submission).

Anyways, i'm off to bed. I'll probably sleep more tonight than I have over the past 3 days...

Here's a photo of 2 copies of the behemoth:

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Not much posting over the past week... and i'm sure you can guess why. Yep, thesis. Well, there's only 2 more weeks to go and I really need to get something working. Sigh.

So unless I have heaps of time or am making some amazing progress in the thesis, it'll be quiet on the blog front. Please tune in at the beginning of November for more goodness :).

PS: Gunbound is mad, and isn't helping me get my thesis done :)