Friday, January 12, 2007

Clarity of vision and new gadgets

This week I have spent lots of money, and I mean lots of money. At a glance i've almost spent a thousand dollars - yep $1k! I believe that it's worth it, however the sheer amount of dollars being spent is quite disturbing. Quicken tells me that i'm not doing the best job of saving money at the moment... damn.

So what's new? Well - first up... i've got a new pair of glasses! Finally i've ditched the old pair of partially chipped lenses and i've gotten a new set - Oakleys. Something a little more suited to an active lifestyle. The Oakleys have rubber on the tips and wrap around the head, so they won't fall off or move as easily as my older pairs.

Also, i've got a new gadget to play with - a Canon IXUS 65! Truly a fine little gadget. Looks quite sleek, has a large LCD display and seems quite capable judging from a few test shots that I took. Shall see it's true potential soon enough! Exciting times.

Anyhoo, enough from me - going to play with some labels and stuff (as Blogger has introduced some new features).

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