Monday, February 13, 2006

Starting Full Time Work

Today I join the rank of the full-time employed. I've done the casual jobs, i've done the vacation/placement job, now it is time for Act III of my career... full-time employment. Woo! What a doozy of a day it was. Training and Orientation all day.

After today, i'm not really even sure if i'm supposed to be even naming the company for which I work. So I won't. Haha. I don't want to get into any trouble at all. For those of you who know me, you don't really need to ask. If you really have no idea we'll just say that I work for an Investment Bank in Sydney.

A good day overall. Learning about the company itself, it's goals, it's achievements and the relevant state and federal legislation that makes up a part of the working envirnoment. A fairly intense day that didn't really leave too much room to mingle with the other grads - although there's lots of time for that later.

People from all over the company came to have a talk. There were the Human Resources people, recent Graduates from all over the company, as well as various executives and senior members of the company all wishing us well and imparting some valuable advice.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and possibly Thursday will also be training or orientation-related. So based on that it is likely that I will be starting 'real' work on Friday. Woo... see how it goes. One cool fact to finish up on - my first pay cheque comes in on Wednesday. I only started today! Haha! Woohoo!

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