Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Orientation Thus Far is Great

Second day of work was great, although I hardly can call it work. Today was all about Communication - learning about what it means and how effective it is. I actually learnt quite alot today, which was quite a treat. It amazing how much that is obviously out there yet is unrecognised by most.

The day wasn't all filled with lectures and the like, that's for tomorrow - LOL. Today was more about recognising and developing communication and team skills, which equates to fun exercises throughout the day... and get to know grads a little better (well half of them anyway, since we were split up into two groups). By the end of the day I would have spoken to just about everyone in the room, with one exception - the group of UTS Accounting students. Don't think it'll happen either, it's a massive bunch of something like 6 girls and 2 guys and they all seem to know eachother quite well. No matter, many more people to meet later on.

Work is taking its toll, but for all the wrong reasons. I still have yet to adjust to getting up at 6:30/6:45am in the morning, but that could be because i'm still sleeping after midnight. That will need to change. I'm buggered, so i'd better go pass out on my bed now. Perhaps i'll describe what happened today and what I learnt at some later stage... or perhaps not :).


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