Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Touchdown in New York City

Friday November 25 (Local)

A fairly uneventful day today. Today was primarily a travel day.

Woke up at 5:30 am to ensure that there would be enough time to get to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The flight was scheduled for 8:30am. I managed to get to the airport well on time - checked the baggage in and proceeded to wait. Unfortunately, I had to wait a while.

The weather in and around Los Angeles was not great. The weather wasn't so good for Mid-Western USA either. As a result of this the plane that I needed to embark upon was late. Unfortunately, I had to wait for an extra hour.

The flight to New York City wasn't anything special. It wasn't poor, yet it wasn't anything special. The in-flight entertainment consisted of the same material as the Sydney-to-Los Angeles flight. I took this opportunity to watch the movie Redeye. It was quite an interesting movie. The storyline was a little far-fetched, but oh well. Not a blockbuster, but not a shocker. Furthermore, the main actress. Rachel McAdams is quite the actress - or maybe i'm just biased because she's attractive. Hmmm... maybe I should talk about plot more than the actresses when it comes to movies. Oh well.

The meeting new people on the plane theory held true for the LAX-NYC(JFK) flight. Strangely, I met another American exchange student headed home. This student was male, studies psychology and went to the University of New South Wales. Wow, these Americans must love studying abroad.

Touchdown in NYC-JFK was fine (at about 6:00pm), although the taxing and docking stage took ages. The reason for this was that JFK airport is huge - absolutely enormous. (Or it seemed that way from the plane windows). We seemed to drive around for ages before docking and disembarking. To get a gague of the size of the airport - a train links each of the 7 terminals at JFK airport. Massive.

Accomodation. The place that we had to stay for the night was the Windsor Hotel in Chinatown. This was really the only place available in the Midtown or Lower Manhattan areas - due to the fact that it was the Thanksgiving week. First of all, getting to the hotel was a bit of a challenge as hauling around luggage via the NYC subway is not for the faint-hearted.

I'd like to take this opportunity to speak a little on the NYC subway system. It's a mess. The Metro Rail System in Los Angeles is fairly straightforward. The New York City subway system looks like a bowl full of spaghetti. You will not be able to get around the Subway without a map. If you want to see what i'm talking about then check the NYC subway map.

There was effectively no sightseeing today, unless exploring Chinatown counts. Furthermore, it was damn cold - approximately 0 degrees Celcius and windy. Ack! I wasn't quite prepared for this. I've learnt my lesson now.

Watching Seinfeld and That 70s show was what was done at night time. Oh, and I ate Vietnamese Pho for dinner. I told you... not much happened today.

The Rocky Mountains

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