Exciting times in the media this week. The Budget was presented as was Labor's reply. Interesting week indeed. Surprises aplenty, and more than just from the Treasurer.
First up, i'll say that I headed down to Canberra for the Budget. Why? Well... why not. I could say that I sensed something big - but that would be an outright lie. Haha! Got in early and got a glimpse of Question Time and saw the
Member for Ballarat get snapped in half (Not literally, of course).
This was a preview to come for sure. Ms King(Member for Ballarat) made an aggressive song and dance about how several Maxitran workers were laid off while Chinese workers remained. No mention was made as to how competent or hard working these Chinese workers are - it seems that Labor believes that Chinese workers here on working visas should always be the frist to get the sack. Seriously... and somehow the Liberals get tagged as racist.
The fun thing about this little segment of Question Time wasn't Ms King's xenophobia but it was how she got comprehensively owned. In the Government's response Mr Hardgrave (
Minister for Vocational and Technical Education) opened up with a neat little paragraph.
Hardgrave: I thank the member for Ballarat for her question. It has been 266 days since theAustralian Labor Party asked a question of me in this place about training, about skills or about apprenticeships. It was on 16 August last year, which was the 28th anniversary of the death of Elvis.
The question was then answered, but Ms King couldn't stop. After a question on the Solomon Islands, she was back for part 2. Unfortunately most of her question was overruled by the
Speaker of the House, Mr Hawker.
Hawker: Order! The member for Ballarat will resume her seat. In calling the Minister for Vocational and Technical Education, I rule that the first part of that question was asking for an opinion, the second part was in order and the third part was not needed.Boom! What was the third part of the question... well let us have a look:
King: Will the government now join Labor in making its No. 1 priority to train Australians first and to train them now?The entertainment contiued from the Minister:
Hardgrave: I think the last part was a commercial! Entertainment, indeed. I only really ever watch small snippets of Question Time, but it can be entertaining at times :). Oh the debate gets even more interesting but i'll let you go check that out at
Hansard (Official Records of Parliamentary Proceedings).
So what happens next? Well the rest of the mob go for a tour of Parliament. Been there, done that - so I got sucked into helping set up shop for later on in the night. After the tour of Parliament House was done (and the others that didn't go finished setting up) everyone headed back to camp - well... serviced appartments.
Luckily for us we were invited to the Bradfield function inside Parliament House, where we watched a live Budget feed. An interesting budget indeed. Finally, some relief to those who are punished the most. MPs were to be found all over the place at the Bradfield function including:
Malcolm Turnbull,
Brendan Nelson, and
Joe Hockey.
Afterwards it was time to eat, drink and be merry. And i'll leave it there :). Oh, yea... Canberra Casino leaves much to be desired :D.